I have no idea why I subscribe to his e-newsletter, but P. Allen Smith's latest one, which linked to this article on amending soil, really irritated me. What got me going was not so much the text of the article, although I do have some qualms about that, too. It was this photo of how he's planting a tree. What is he doing wrong? Let's count the ways:
and now: actual good advice on HOW TO PLANT A #TREE from your tax dollars at work @ VA Cooperative #Extension: http://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-295/430-295.html
also good for true tree wonks: James Urban, FASLA, Up by Roots. good for urban tree planting. This is Dah Man of trees. based on actual experience and research. helpful to landscape architects who for some reason (competitive bids/RFP's sent out by large institutions) must charge their clients for drawings/specs of how to plant trees, rather than specifying that the very best, most competent nurserymen be hired and left to their own judgment and experience(since they hold the guarantee anyway).
Posted by: virginia rockwell | 26 March 2010 at 06:29 AM